Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hello World

Hi there, friends. It has been a long time coming! I'm starting this blog to help keep us connected to all our family and friends we have met along the way. And, of course, as a way to share all of the trials and tribulations of being a full-time working momma, wife, friend, etc., all while making our way in a new city. Did I mention that I packed up my family and moved across 2 states 6 months ago??
Now, don't get your panties in a bunch about the title of this blog--it is more of a "satire" I believe is what it would be considered in literary terms. Because in all honesty, my *fairytale* would include 5 houses, at least 2 maids, an endless trust fund, a child(ren--for the future, I suppose) that loved to sleep 12 hours,  no mosquitos, never having to be in 105 degree heat for 10 plus days, no working out, and eating whatever the fuck I wanted. And, yes, I cuss like a trucker--no offense to truckers. And, double yes, I could and should have made that list longer, but I didn't think you wanted to get down to the details of my closet so early in our relationship. 
I hope you'll all be along for the ride, that you'll take this blog with a grain of salt--that it makes you think about your opinions, but you won't hate me for mine--and that we can all share in a few laughs of life. Because seriously, if you aren't having fun, I'm just not sure it's worth it.
Night folks, and here's to something.

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